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职称: 教授

系别: 食品科学与工程系

办公电话: 0451-55191794

研究方向: 畜产品加工

电子邮箱: kongbh@163.com;kongbh63@hotmail.com


1. 1997-09 至 2000-07, 中国农业大学, 食品科学, 博士
2. 1984-09 至 1987-07, 东北农业大学, 动物食品科学, 硕士
3. 1980-09 至 1984-07, 山西农业大学, 畜牧, 学士
1. 2000-09 至 今, 东北农业大学, 欧洲杯下单平台, 教授
2. 2000-11 至 2002-12, 东北农业大学,动物营养,博士后
3. 2005-02 至 2006-02, 美国肯塔基大学, 动物与食品科学系, 无
4. 1995-09 至 2000-08, 东北农业大学, 欧洲杯下单平台, 副教授
5. 1991-09 至 1995-08, 东北农业大学, 欧洲杯下单平台, 讲师
6. 1987-07 至 1991-08, 东北农业大学, 欧洲杯下单平台, 助教


1. 中国畜产品加工学会常务理事
2. 中国畜产品加工学会肉品加工专业委员主任委员
3. 中国农业机械学会第十届理事会理事
4. 国家牛肉研究开发分中心主任
5. 中国农业机械学会农副产品加工机械分会副理事长
6. 黑龙江省天然产物工程学会 副理事长
7. 国家屠宰加工标准委员会委员
8. 国家农产品加工技术研发体系畜产品加工专业委员会常务理事
9. 国家农产品加工产业科技创新联盟-预制菜专业委员会执行专家
10. 国家肉类加工产业科技创新联盟副理事长
11. 英文期刊Food Science of Animal Products的科学主编
12. 中文核心期刊“肉类研究”杂志科学主编
13. 国际期刊Journal of Food Science,Meat Science和Foods的编辑
14. 黑龙江省肉类产业科技创新联盟副理事长
15. 黑龙江省预制菜产业联盟副理事长和标准委员会主任
16. “食品研究与开发”、“食品工业科技”、“肉类研究”、“肉类工业”、“黑龙江畜牧兽医”、“食品质量与安全”等期刊的编委会成员。


1. 食品科学与工程专业创新实验区平台构建与实践, 获得黑龙江省高等教育教学成果二等奖。第一
2. 乳品工程专业创新人才培养模式的研究与实践,获得黑龙江省高等教育教学成果二等奖。第一
3. 食品科学与工程类专业实践教学体系的创新与实践,获得黑龙江省高度教育教学成果一等奖。第四
4. 构建“四元一体”教学平台,培养食品科学与工程类专业人才的创新与实践,,获得国家教育部教学成果二等奖。第四


1. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 联合基金项目, U22A20547, 北方传统特色发酵食品中微生物资源挖掘及关键功能基因解析, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 31771990, 基于蛋白和代谢组学研究发酵肉制品中乳酸菌氧化胁迫应答机制及其抗氧化效果, 2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31471599,基于蛋白组学研究微生物发酵对肉制品蛋白质降解及风味形成机理,2015-01至2018-12,主持
4. 黑龙江省科技厅, 黑龙江省“百千万”工程重大科技专项, 2020ZX07B72, 生鲜预制肉制品品质提升及加工关键技术研究, 2020-10 至 2023-10,主持
5. 黑龙江省科技厅, 黑龙江省“百千万”工程重大科技专项课题, 2021ZX12B05, 特色肉制品开发于安全品质提升技术研究示范, 2021-07 至 2024-07,主持
6. 黑龙江天顺源清真食品有限公司, 横向课题, 牛羊肉制品品质提升关键技术及新产品开发, 2021-08 至 2023-08,主持
7. 黑龙江省科技厅, 黑龙江省“百千万”工程重大科技专项子课题, 2019ZX07B03, 肉制品品质和风味调控技术研究及新型肉制品创制与产业化, 2019-12 至 2022-12,主持
8. 国家科技部, 国家“十三五”重点研发计划项目子课题, 2016YFD0401504-03, 传统哈尔滨风干肠绿色制造关键技术研究, 2016-01 至 2021-08, 主持
9. 国家科技支撑计划,动物源食品加工过程中质量安全控制技术研究,2012-1至2016-12,主持.
10. 黑龙江省科技计划项目,中式肉灌制品现代化连续生产及品质控制技术,2013.1-2015.12,主持。
11. 国家自然科学基金 微生物发酵替代肉制品中亚硝酸盐的呈色和抑菌作用和机理的研究,2013.1-2016.12, 31271897,主持.
12. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费,项目名称:传统腌腊肉制品生产关键技术装备研究与示范,课题:传统腌腊肉制品(风干肠)加工过程中亚硝胺的控制技术。2013.1-2016.12,主持
13. 黑龙江省应用技术研究与开发计划,重大项目,调理肉制品加工关键技术及安全质量控制, 2015.8-2017.8,副主持
14. 国家自然科学基金,蛋白氧化引起的乳清蛋白结构及功能性变化的研究,项目批准号:30871818,2009.1-2011.12,主持
15. 国家高技术研究发展计划项目,乳源蛋白抗氧化肽和降血压肽的生物制备技术。2008AA10Z315, 2008.3-2010.10,主持
1. 传统特色肉制品现代化加工关键技术及产业化, 中华人民共和国国务院, 科技进步, 国家科技进步二等奖, 2019,第二
2. 抗氧化肽和降血压肽的作用机制及其构效分析, 黑龙江省政府, 自然科学, 省部科技一等奖, 2016,第一
3. 传统特色肉制品现代化加工关键技术及产业化应用, 中国轻工业联合会, 科技进步, 省部一等奖, 2019。第二
4. 北方传统肉灌制品现代化生产及安全控制关键技术, 黑龙江省政府, 发明, 省部科技一等奖, 2014,第一
5. 氧化引发的蛋白质结构和功能特性变化及其机制研究, 黑龙江省政府, 自然科学, 省部科技二等奖, 2018,第二
6. 调理肉制品品质提升关键技术创新及应用, 黑龙江省政府, 科技进步, 省部科技二等奖, 2020,第二
7. 复合亚硝基血红蛋白制备以及血清蛋白和血红素利用的研究,获得黑龙江省科技进步三等奖。第一
8. 应用酶技术提高牛肉品质及系列方便食品的研究,获黑龙江省科技进步三等奖,第一
9. 黑龙江省优质淡水鱼深加工技术的研究,获黑龙江省政府科技进步三等奖,   第一
10. 生鲜食品气调包装贮藏保鲜机理及工艺装备研究以产业化应用,国家教育部科技进步,二等奖,第二
11. 生鲜食品气调保鲜包装技术及装备研究开发与产业化应用”,中国商业联合会科技进步一等奖,第三
12. 禽蛋深加工系列产品综合开发技术的研究,黑龙江省人民政府,科技进步,省部二等奖,第二
1. 《畜产品加工储藏新技术》,获华夏英才基金资助,主编,科学出版社出版, ISBN 978-7-03-018926-4
2.《畜产品加工》,农业部十一五规划教材,主编,中国农业科学技术出版社出版. ISBN 978-7-80233-596-7
3.《肉品科学与技术》,高等学校使用教材,主编,中国轻工业出版社, ISBN 7-109-07560-5
4.《食品质量安全检测新技术》,科学出版社,主编,全国农业推广专业学位研究生教育指导委员会推荐教材。ISBN 978-7-03-038002-9
5.《低温西式肉制品加工技术》,中国农业出版社,主编. ISBN 978-7-109-18528-9
6. 《肉制品深加工技术》,科学出版社,主编。ISBN 978-7-03-040561-6
7. 《肉制品品质及质量控制》,专著,科学出版社,主编,ISBN 978-7-03-044945-0. 获得国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助.
8.《乳品科学与技术》,21世纪高等学校使用教材,科学出版社,主编 ISBN 7-109-07560-5
9. 《实用肉制品加工技术》,化学工业出版社,共同主编ISBN 978-7-122-40911-9,
10. 《畜产品加工学》,国家精品课程配套教程,中国农业出版社,普通高等教育“十二五”国家级规划, 副主编,ISBN 978-7-5019-8190-8
11. 《肉制品消费指南》,中国农业出版社出版,主编。ISBN 7-5048-3227-8
1. Niu, H. L., Zhang, M. C., Xia, X. F., Liu, Q.*, & Kong, B. H.* (2018). Effect of  porcine plasma protein hydrosylates on long-term retrogradation of corn starch. Food Chemistry, 239, 172-179. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.06.103.
2. Niu, H. L., Chen, Y. C., Zhang, H., Kong, B. H.*, & Liu, Q.* (2018). Protective effect of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates on the gelation of porcine myofibrillar protein exposed to a hydroxyl radical-generating system. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 107, 654-661. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.09.036.
3. Niu, H. L., Xia, X. F., Wang, C., Kong, B. H.*, & Liu, Q.* (2018). Thermal stability and gel quality of myofibrillar protein as affected by soy protein isolates subjected to an acidic pH and mild heating. Food chemistry, 242, 188-195.
4. Zhang, M. C., Niu, H. L., Chen, Q., Xia, X. F.*, & Kong, B. H.* (2018). Influence of ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing on the freezing rate and quality of porcine longissimus muscles. Meat Science, 136, 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2017.10.005.
5. Liu, H. T., Li, Y. Y., Diao, X. P., Kong, B. H.*, & Liu, Q.* (2018). Effect of porcine bone protein hydrolysates on the emulsifying and oxidative stability of oil-in-water emulsions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 538, 757-764. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2017.11.061. 2014.
6. Li, Y., Niu, H. L., Liu, H. T., Liu, Q.*, & Kong, B. H.* (2018). Effect of porcine plasma protein with limited hydrolyzation coupled with Tween 20 on the physical and oxidative stability of oil-in-water emulsions. Food Biophysics, 13, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11483-017-9512-5.
7. Niu, H. L., Han, Q., Cao, C. A., Liu, Q.*, & Kong, B. H.* (2018). Short-term retrogradation behaviour of corn starch is inhibited by the addition of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 115, 393-400.
8. Niu, H. L., Gao, M. K., Zhang, H., Kong, B. H.*, Liu, Q.* (2018). Stability of oil-in-water emulsions fortified with enzymatic hydrolysates from porcine plasma protein. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejlt.201700501.
9. Sun, Q. X., Zhao, X. X., Xia, X. F., Zhang, C., & Kong, B. H.* (2018). Impact of spice extracts on the formation of biogenic amines and the physicochemical, microbiological and sensory quality of dry sausage. Food Control, 92, 190-200. IF=4.248.
10. Zhao, X. X., Sun, Q. X., Qin, Z. Y., Liu, Q., & Kong, B. H.* (2018). Ultrasonic pretreatment promotes diacylglycerol production from lard by lipase-catalysed glycerolysis and its physicochemical properties. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 48, 11-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.05.005. IF=7.279.
11. Chen, Y. C., Wang, C., Liu, H. T., Liu, Q*., & Kong, B. H.* (2018). Enhanced physical and oxidative stability of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates based oil-in-water emulsions by adding oxidized chlorogenic acid. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemistry and Engineering Aspects, 558, 330-337.
12. Li, Y. Y., Liu, H. T., Liu, Q., Kong, B. H.*, Diao, X. P.* (2019). Effects of zein hydrolysates coupled with sage (salvia officinalis) extract on the emulsifying and oxidative stability of myofibrillar protein prepared oil-in-water emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 87, 149-157. ESI高被引. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2018.07.052.
13. Li, F. F., Wang, B., Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Zhang, H. W., Xia, X. F*., & Kong, B. H.* (2019). Changes in myofibrillar protein gel quality of porcine longissimus muscle induced by its stuctural modification under different thawing methods. Meat Science, 147, 108-115. ESI高被引.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2018.09.003.  
14. Sun, Q. X., Sun, F. D., Xia, X. F., Xu, H. H., & Kong, B. H.* (2019). The comparison of ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing, air freezing and immersion freezing on the muscle quality and physicochemical properties of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) during freezing storage. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 51, 281-291. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.10.006. IF=7.279.
15. Liu, P. X., Wang, S. W., Zhang, H., Wang, H. T., & Kong, B. H.* (2019). Influence of glycated nitrosohaemoglobin prepared from porcine blood cell on physicochemical properties, microbial growth and flavour formation of Harbin dry sausages. Meat Science, 148, 96-104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2018.10.008.
16. Sun, Q. X., Sun, F. D., Zheng, D. M., Kong, B. H.*, Liu, Q.* (2019). Complex starter culture combined with vacuum packaging reduces biogenic amine formation and delays the quality deterioration of dry sausage during storage. Food Control, 100, 58-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.01.008.
17. Zhang, M. C.#, Xia, X. F.#, Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Kong, B. H.* (2019). Changes in microstructure, quality and water distribution of porcine longissimus muscles subjected to ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing during frozen storage. Meat Science, 151, 24-32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.01.002.
18. Sun, Q. X., Chen, Q., Xia, X. F., Kong, B. H.*, Diao, X. P.* (2019). Effects of ultrasound-assisted freezing at different power levels on the structure and thermal stability of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) proteins. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 54, 311-320. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2019.01.026.
19. Chen, Y. C., Jiang, S., Chen, Q., Liu, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2019). Antioxidant activities and emulsifying properties of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates modified by oxidized tannic acid and oxidized chlorogenic acid. Process Biochemistry, 79, 105-113.
20. Sun, Q. X., Zhao, X. X., Zhang, C., Xia, X. F., Sun, F. D.*, Kong, B. H.* (2019). Ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing accelerates the freezing process and improves the quality of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) at different power levels. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 108, 106-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.03.0422017.
21. Liu, H. T., Han, G., Zhang, H., Liu, Q., Kong, B. H.* (2019). Improving the physical and oxidative stability of emulsions based on the interfacial electrostatic effects between porcine bone protein hydrolysates and porcine bone protein hydrolysate-rutin conjugates. Food Hydrocolloids, 94, 418-427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2019.03.037.
22. Jiang, S., Cao, C. A., Xia, X. F., Liu, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2019). Enhancement of the textural and gel properties of Frankfurters by adding thermo-reversible or thermo-irreversible curdlan gels. Journal of Food Science, 84, 1068-1077. https://doi.org/10.1111/1750-3841.14595.
23. Sun, F. D., Sun, Q. X., Zhang, H., Kong, B. H.*, Xia, X. F.* (2019). Purification and biochemical characteristics of the microbial extracellular protease from Lactobacillus curvatus isolated from Harbin dry sausages. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 133, 987-997. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.04.169. 2017. I
24. Huang, L., Ding, B., Zhang, H., Kong, B. H.*, Xiong, Y. L. (2019). Textural and sensorial quality protection in frozen dumplings through the inhibition of lipid and protein oxidation with clove and rosemary extracts. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, 99, 4379-4747. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.9716.
25. Wen, R. X., Hu, Y. Y., Zhang, L., Wang, Y., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2019). Effect of NaCl substitutes on lipid and protein oxidation and flavor development of Harbin dry sausage. Meat Science, 156, 33-43.
26. Sun, F. D., Hu, Y. Y., Chen, Q., Kong, B. H.*, Liu, Q.* (2019). Purification and biochemical characteristics of the extracellular protease from Pediococcus pentosaceus isolated from Harbin dry sausages. Meat Science, 156, 156-165.
27. Chen, J. X., Hu, Y. Y., Liu, Q., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2019). Effect of NaCl substitutes on the physical, microbial and sensory characteristics of Harbin dry sausage. Meat Science, 156, 205-213.
28. Sun, F. D., Li, Q. X., Liu, H. T., Kong, B. H.*, Liu, Q.* (2019). Purification and biochemical characteristics of the protease from Lactobacillus brevis R4 isolated from Harbin dry sausages. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 113, 108287. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.108287.
29. Qin, Z. Y., Jia, X. W., Liu, Q., Kong, B. H.*, Wang, H.* (2019). Fast dissolving oral films for drug delivery prepared from chitosan/pullulan electrospinning nanofibers. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 137, 224-231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.06.224.
30. Hu, Y. Y., Chen, Q., Wen, R. X., Wang, Y., Qin, L. G.*, Kong, B. H.* (2019). Quality characteristics and flavor profile of Harbin dry sausages inoculated with lactic acid bacteria and Staphylococcus xylosus. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 114, 108392. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.108392.
31. Dong, C. H., Wang, B., Li, F. F., Zhong, Q., Xia, X. F.*, Kong, B. H.* (2020). Effects of edible chitosan coating on Harbin red sausage storage stability at room temperature. Meat Science, 159, 107919. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.107919.
32. Cao, C. A., Zhao, S. C., Chen, J. X., Wang, H., Liu, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2020). Physical properties and stability of filled hydrogel particles based on biopolymer phase separation: Influence of the ratio of protein to polysaccharide. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 142, 803-810. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.10.021.
33. Zhao, X. X., Han, G., Wen, R. X., Xia, X. F., Chen, Q., Kong, B. H.* (2020). Influence of lard-based diacylglycerol on rheological and physicochemical properties of thermally induced gels of porcine myofibrillar protein at different NaCl concentrations. Food research international, 127, 108723. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2019.108723.
34. Zhao, X. X., Han, G., Sun, Q. X., Chen, Q., Liu, Q., Kong, B. H.* (2020). Influence of lard-based diacylglycerol on rheological and physicochemical properties of thermally-induced gels of pork myofibrillar protein at different pH. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 117, 108708. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.108708.
34. Chen, Y. C., Jia, X. W., Sun, F. D., Jiang, S., Liu, H. T., Liu, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2020). Using a stable pre-emulsified canola oil system that includes porcine plasma protein hydrolysates and oxidized tannic acid to partially replace pork fat in frankfurters. Meat Science, 160, 107968. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.107968.
36. Zhang, L., Du, H. Z., Zhang, P., Kong, B. H.*, Liu, Q.* (2020). Heterocyclic aromatic amine concentrations and quality characteristics of traditional smoked and roasted poultry products on the northern Chinese market. Food and Chemical toxicology, 135, 110931. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2019.110931.
37.  Sun, F. D., Hu, Y. Y., Yin, X. Y., Kong, B. H.*, Qin, L. G.* (2020). Production, purification and biochemical characterization of the microbial protease produced by Lactobacillus fermentum R6 isolated from Harbin dry sausages. Process Biochemistry, 89, 37-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procbio.2019.10.029.
38. Han, G., Zhang, L., Li, Q. X., Wang, Y., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2020). Impacts of different altitudes and natural drying times on the lipolysis, lipid oxidation and flavour profile of traditional Tibetan yak jerky. Meat Science, 162, 108030. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.
39. Jiang, S., Zhao, S. C., Jia, X. W., Wang, H., Liu, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2020). Thermal gelling properties and structural properties of myofibrillar protein including thermo-reversible and thermo-irreversible curdlan gels. Food Chemistry, 311, 126018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.126018.
40. Hu, Y. Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, H., Wang, Y., Kong, B. H.*, Chen, Q.* (2020). Physicochemical properties and flavor profile of fermented dry sausages with reduction of sodium chloride. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 124, 109061. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109061.
41. Yang, Y. F., Xie, B. F., Liu, Q., Kong, B. H.*, Wang, H.* (2020). Fabrication and characterization of a novel polysaccharide based composite nanofiber films with tunable physical properties. Carbohydrate Polymers, 236, 116054. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116054.
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43. Hu, Y. Y., Zhang, L., Liu, Q., Wang, Y., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2020). The potential correlation between bacterial diversity and the characteristic volatile flavour of traditional dry sausages from Northeast China, Food Microbiology, 91, 103505. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2020.103505.
44. Cao, C. A., Wang, C., Feng, Y. Y., Liu, H., Liu, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2020). Physical and rheological properties of mixed-component emulsion-based products: Influence of flaxseed gum concentration and pH on the aggregation of lipid droplets. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 597, 124818. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2020.124818.
45. Zhang, C., Li, X. A., Wang, H., Xia, X. F., Kong, B. H.* (2020). Ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing reduces the structure and gel property deterioration of myofibrillar protein from chicken breast. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 67, 10517. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2020.105137.
46. Liu, H. T., Zhang, H., Liu, Q., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2020). Solubilization and stable dispersion of myofibrillar proteins in water through the destruction and inhibition of the assembly of filaments using high-intensity ultrasound. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 67, 105160. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2020.105160.
47. Zhang, C., Sun, Q. X., Chen, Q., Sun, F. D., Kong, B. H.* (2020). Effects of ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing on the muscle quality and physicochemical properties of chicken breast. International Journal of Refrigeration, 117, 247-255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2020.05.006.
48. Zhang, H., Wang, Q., Liu, H. T., Kong, B. H.*, Chen, Q.* (2020). In vitro growth performance, antioxidant capacity and cell surface physiological characteristics of Pediococcus pentosaceus R1 and Lactobacillus fermentum R6 stressed under different NaCl concentrations. Food & functions, 11, 6376-6386. https://doi.org/10.1039/c9fo02309g.
49. Sun, Q. X., Zhang, C., Li, Q. X., Xia, X. F., Kong, B. H.* (2020). Changes in functional properties of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) myofibrillar protein as affected by ultrasound-assisted freezing. Journal of Food Science, 85(9), 2879-2888.
50. Zhang, H., Liu, J. M., Wen, R. X., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2021). Metabolomics profiling reveals defense strategies of Pediococcus pentosaceus R1 isolated from Harbin dry sausages under oxidative stress. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 135, 110041. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2020.110041.
51. Yin, X. Y., Lv, Y. C., Wen, R. X., Wang, Y., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2021). Characterization of selected Harbin red sausages on the basis of their flavour profiles using HS-SPME-GC/MS combined with electronic nose and electronic tongue. Meat Science, 172, 108345. ESI高被引论文  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2020.108345.
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53. Lv, Y. C., Yin, X. Y., Wang, Y., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2021). The prediction of specific spoilage organisms in Harbin red sausage stored at room temperature by multivariate statistical analysis. Food Control, 123, 107701.  2019省重大,陈倩基金,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107701
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56. Zhang, L., Hu, Y. Y., Wang, Y., Kong, B. H.*, Chen Q.*. (2021). Evaluation of the flavour properties of cooked chicken drumsticks as affected by sugar smoking times using an electronic nose, electronic tongue, and HS-SPME-GC-MS. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 140, 110764. ESI高被引论文 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2020.110764 20192019
57. Zhang, L., Xia, X, F., Xu, M., Kong, B. H.*, Liu, Q.*. (2021). Comparative study on the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines in different sugar smoking time. Food Control, 124, 107905. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.107905
58. Wen, R., Sun, F. D., Wang, Y., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.*. (2021). Evaluation the potential of lactic acid bacteria isolates from traditional beef jerky as starter cultures and their effects on flavor formation during fermentation. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 142, 110982.
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59. Sun, F. D., Wang, H., Wang, H. P., Xia, X. F., Kong, B. H.*. (2021). Impacts of pH and temperature on the conformation of a protease from Pediococcus pentosaceus R1 isolated from Harbin dry sausage. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 142, 111056.  
60. Zhang, C., Liu, H. T., Xia, X. F., Sun, F. D., Kong, B. H.*. (2021). Effect of ultrasound-assisted immersion thawing on emulsifying and gelling properties of chicken myofibrillar protein. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 142, 111016.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.111016
61. Wen, R. X., Li, X. A., Han, G., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.*. (2021). Fungal community succession and volatile compound dynamics in Harbin dry sausage during fermentation. Food Microbiology, 99, 103764. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2021.103764.
62. Sun, Q. X., Kong, B. H.*, Liu, S. C., Zheng, O. Y., Zhang, C. (2021). Ultrasound-assisted thawing accelerates the thawing of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and improves its muscle quality. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 141, 1110806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.111080
63. Sun, Q. X., Kong, B. H.*, Liu, S. C., Zheng, O. Y., & Zhang, C. (2021). Ultrasonic freezing reduces protein oxidation and myofibrillar gel quality loss of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) during long-time frozen storage. Foods, 10, 629. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10030629
Manuscript ID: foods-1136016 sunqinxiugo@163.com, kongbh63@hotmail.com, Lsc771017@163.com, zhengouyang07@163.com, zhangchaocheer@163.com
64. Liu, H. T., Zhang, H., Liu, Q., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B.H.*. (2021). Filamentous myosin in low-ionic strength meat protein processing media: Assembly mechanism, impact on protein functionality, and inhibition strategies. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 112, 25-35. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs. Accepted Date: 22 March 2021.
65. Wen, R. X., Sun, F. D., Li, X. A., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B.H.*. (2021). The potential correlations between the fungal communities and volatile compounds of traditional dry sausages from Northeast China. Food Microbiology, 98, 103787.  PII: S0740-0020(21)00052-6 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2021.103787
66. Fangda Sun, Ran Tao, Qian Liu, Hui Wang, Baohua Kong*. (2021). Effects of temperature and pH on the structure of a metalloprotease from Lactobacillus fermentum R6 isolated from Harbin dry sausages and molecular docking between protease and meat protein. Journal of the Science of Food and Agricultural, 101, 5016-5027. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.11146
67. Haotian Liu, Jingnan Zhang, Hui Wang, Qian Chen*, Baohua Kong*. (2021). High-intensity ultrasound improves the physical stability of myofibrillar protein emulsion at low ionic strength by destroying and suppressing myosin molecular assembly. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 74, 105554. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105554
68. Chao Zhang, Qinxiu Sun, Qian Chen, Qian Liu, Baohua Kong*. (2021). Effectiveness of ultrasound-assisted immersion thawing on the thawing rate and physicochemical properties of chicken breast muscle. Journal of Food Science, 86, 1692-1703. https://doi.org/10.1111/1750-3841.15699.
69. Xiaoqin Diao, Haining Guan, Baohua Kong*, Dengyong Liu*, Yonggen Zhang. (2021). In vitro digestion of emulsied lard-based diacylglycerols. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 101, 3386–3393. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10968
70. Hui Wang, Qiang Wang, Xiufang Xia, Fangda Sun*, Baohua Kong*. (2021). Biochemical properties of extracellular protease from Staphylococcus carnosus RT6 isolated from Harbin dry sausages, and its hydrolysis of meat proteins, Journal of Food Science, 86, 1642-1655. https://doi.org/10.1111/1750-3841.15726
71. Xiaoyu Yin, Qian Chen, Qian Liu, Yan Wang, Baohua Kong*. (2021). Influences of Smoking in Traditional and Industrial Conditions on Flavour Profile of Harbin Red Sausages by Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. Foods, 10, 1180. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10061180
72. Hui Wang, Jinming Liu, Qian Chen, Baohua Kong*, Fangda Sun*. (2021). Biochemical properties of extracellular protease from Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated from Harbin dry sausages and its hydrolysis of meat protein. Food Bioscience, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2021.101130.
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74. Yufan Yang, Yuanyue Shi, Xueke Cao, Qian Liu, Baohua Kong*, Hao Wang*. (2021). Preparation and functional properties of poly(vinyl alcohol)/ethyl cellulose/tea polyphenol electrospun nanofibrous films for active packaging material. Food Control, 130, 108331. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108331
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78. Jiaxin Chen, Xin Li, Baohua Kong, Jinglin Ma, Meiyue Liu, Chengguo Liu,* and Qian Liu*. (2021). How to Efficiently Remove tert-butylhydroquinone from Commercial Soybean Oils to Obtain Stripped Oils: Eliminating tert-butylhydroquinone’s Influence on Oxidative Stabilities of Model Oil-in-Water Emulsions. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 123, 2000385: 1-10. DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.202000385
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80. Lang Zhang, Yingying Hu, Iftikhar Hussain Badar, Xiufang Xia, Baohua Kong*, Qian Chen*. (2021). Prospects of artificial meat: opportunities and challenges around consumer acceptance. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 116, 434-444. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2021.07.010.
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82. Haitang Wang, Xiufang Xia, Xiaoyu Yin, Haotian Liu, Qian Chen*, Baohua Kong*. (2021). Investigation of molecular mechanisms of interaction between myofibrillar proteins and 1-heptanol by multiple spectroscopy and molecular docking methods. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 193, 672-680. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.10.105
83. Zhang, L., Chen, Q., Liu, Q., Xia, X. F., Wang, Y., Kong, B. H.* (2022). Effect of different types of smoking materials on the flavour, heterocyclic aromatic amine, and sensory property of smoked chicken drumsticks. Food chemistry, 367, 130680. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130680
84. Liu, H. T., Wang, Z., Badar, I. H., Liu, Q., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Combination of high-intensity ultrasound and hydrogen peroxide treatment suppresses thermal aggregation behaviour of myofibrillar protein in water. Food Chemistry, 367,130756.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130756.
85. Zhang, H., Wang, Z., Li, Z. W., Wang, K. D., Kong, B. H.*, Chen, Q.* (2022). L-glycine and L-glutamic acid protect Pediococcus pentosaceus R1 against oxidative damage induced by hydrogen peroxide. Food Microbiology, 101, 103897. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2021.103897.
86. Hu, Y. Y., Zhang, L., Wen, R. X., Chen Q.* Kong, B. H.* (2022). Role of lactic acid bacteria in flavour development in traditional Chinese fermented foods: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 62(10): 2741-2755. https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2020.1858269. Published online: 30 Dec 2020.
87. Zhang, L., Wang, Q., Wang, Z., Chen, Q., Sun, F. D., Xu, M., Kong, B. H.* (2022). Influence of different ratios of sucrose and green tea leaves on heterocyclic aromatic amine formation and quality characteristics of smoked chicken drumsticks. Food Control, 133, 108613. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108613
88. Hu, Y. Y., Li, Y. J., Li, X. A., Zhang, H. W., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Application of lactic acid bacteria for improving the quality of reduced-salt dry fermented sausage: Texture, color, and flavor profiles. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 154, 112723.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.112723  
89. Wang, H. T., Guan, H. N., Zhang, H. W., Liu, H. T., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Elucidation of interaction mechanisms between myofibrillar proteins and ethyl octanoate by SPME-GC-MS, molecular docking and dynamics simulation. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 154, 112787. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.112787
90. Wen, R. X., Yin, X. Y., Hu, Y. Y., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Technological properties and flavour formation potential of yeast strains isolated from traditional dry fermented sausages in Northeast China. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 154, 112853. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.112853.
91. Zhang, L., Hu, Y. Y., Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Xia, X. F., Kong, B. H.*. (2023). Cyanidin and rutin inhibit the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines in chemical modeling systems and smoked chicken drumsticks. Food Chemistry, 398,133869. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133869
92. Wang, H. T., Zhu, J. M., Zhang, H. W., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Understanding interactions among aldehyde compounds and porcine myofibrillar proteins by spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 349, 118190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2021.118190
93. Du, H. Z., Li, X. A., Wang, Q., Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Kong, B. H.* (2022). Influence of partial replacements of NaCl by KCl on quality characteristics and the heterocyclic aromatic amine contents of bacon. Foods, 11,143. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11020143.
94. Wang, Q., Chen, Q., Xu, J. H., Sun, F. D., Liu, H. T., Kong, B. H.* (2022). Effects of modified atmosphere packaging with various CO2 concentrations on the bacterial community and shelf-Life of smoked chicken legs. Foods, 11, 559. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11040559
95. Chen, J. X., Cao, C. A., Yuan, D. X., Xia, X. F., Liu, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Impact of different ionic strengths on protein-lipid co-oxidation in whey protein isolate-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions. Food Chemistry, 385, 132700.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.132700
96. Liu, J. M., Xu, J. H., Chen, Q., Ren, J., Wang, H.*, Kong, B. H.* Fabrication and characterisation of poly(vinyl alcohol)/deacetylated crab‑shell particles biocomposites with excellent thermomechanical and antibacterial properties as active food packaging material. Food Biophysics, 17(4), 484-494. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11483-022-09735-w.
97. Wang, H., Xu, J. H., Liu, Q., Xia, X. F., Sun, F. D.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Effect of the protease from Staphylococcus carnosus on the proteolysis, quality characteristics, and flavor development of Harbin dry sausage. Meat Science, 189, 108827. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2022.108827.
98. Wang, H., Xu, J. H., Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Sun, F. D.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Interaction between protease from Staphylococcus epidermidis and pork myofibrillar protein: Flavor and molecular simulation. Food Chemistry, 386, 132830. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.132830.
99. Du, H. Z., Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Xia, X. F., Xu, M., Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Effect of woodchip types on heterocyclic aromatic amine formation and quality characteristics of smoked bacon. Food Bioscience, 47, 101709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2022.101709
100. Hu, Y., Wang, Q., Sun, F. D., Chen, Q., Xia, X. F., Liu, Q., Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Role of partial replacement of NaCl by KCl combined with other components on structure and gel properties of porcine myofibrillar protein. Meat Science, 190, 108832. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2022.108832.
101. Wang, H., Li, Y. X., Xia, X. F., Liu, Q., Sun, F. D.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Flavour formation from hydrolysis of pork meat protein extract by the protease from Staphylococcus carnosus isolated from Harbin dry sausage. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 163, 113525. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2022.113525
102. Du, H. Z., Wang, Q., Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Liu, H. T., Xu, M., Kong, B. H.* (2022). Heterocyclic aromatic amine contents and quality characteristics of bacon as influenced by NaCl concentration of brine. Journal of Food Science, 87(6), 2527-2537. DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.16156
103. Hu, Y. Y., Wang, J. W., Liu, Q., Wang, Y., Ren, J., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Unraveling the difference in flavor characteristics of dry sausages inoculated with different autochthonous lactic acid bacteria. Food Bioscience, 101778. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2022.101778
104. Zhang, L., Badar, I. H., Chen, Q., Xia, X. F., Liu, Q., Kong, B. H.*. Changes in flavor, heterocyclic aromatic amines, and quality characteristics of roasted chicken drumsticks at different processing stages. Food Control, 139, 109104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.109104
105. Hu, Y. Y., Tian, Y., Zhu, J. M., Wen, R. X., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Technological characterization and flavor-producing potential of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional dry fermented sausages in northeast China.  Food Microbiology, 106, 104059. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2022.104059
106. Han, G., Xu, J. H., Chen, Q., Xia, X. F., Liu, H. T.*, Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Improving the solubility of myofibrillar proteins in water by destroying and suppressing myosin molecular assembly via glycation. Food Chemistry, 395, 133590.
107. Zhang, L. Xia, X. F., Sun, F. D., Liu, H. T., Chen, Q., Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Inhibitory effects of hydrocolloids on the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines in smoked chicken drumsticks and the underlying mechanism. Food Hydrocolloids, 133, 107940. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2022.107940.
108. Wang, H. T., Zhang, H. W., Liu, Q., Xia, X. F, Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Exploration of interaction between porcine myofibrillar proteins and selected ketones by GC–MS, multiple spectroscopy, and molecular docking approaches. Food Research International, 160, 111624.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2022.111624.
109. Zhang, J. N., Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Sun, F. D., Liu, H. T.*, Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Synergistic modification of pea protein structure using high-intensity ultrasound and pH-shifting technology to improve solubility and emulsification. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 88, 106099. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch. 2022.106099
110. Yin, X. Y., Gao, M. K., Wang, H. T., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Probing the interaction between selected furan derivatives and porcine myofibrillar proteins by spectroscopic and molecular docking approaches. Food Chemistry, 397, 133776. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133776.
111. Shi, Y. Y., Cao, X. K., Zhu, Z. Z., Ren, J., Wang, H.*, Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Fabrication of cellulose acetate/gelatin-eugenol core–shell structured nanofiber films for active packaging materials. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 218, 112743. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2022.112743.
112. Zhang, C., Li, Y. X., Xia, X. F., Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Changes in muscle quality and physicochemical characteristics of chicken breast subjected to ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing during long-term frozen storage. International Journal of Refrigeration, 142, 10-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2022.06.020  
113. Han, G., Li, Y. X., Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Liu, H. T.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Improved water solubility of myofibrillar proteins by ultrasound combined with glycation: A study of myosin molecular behavior. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 89, 106140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2022.106140
114. Hu, Y. Y., Zhang, L., Badar, I. H., Liu, Q., Liu, H. T., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.* (2022). Insights into the flavor perception and enhancement of sodium-reduced fermented foods: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2022.2121909
115. Zhang, C., Chen, Q., Sun, Q. X., Liu, H. T., Xia, X. F., Kong, B. H.* (2022). Ultrasound-assisted freezing retards the deterioration of functional properties of myofibrillar protein in chicken breast during long-term frozen storage. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 170, 114064. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2022.114064
116. Du, H. Z., Wang, Z. Y., Li, Y. X., Liu, Q., Chen, Q. and Kong, B. H. *. (2022). Understanding the Development of Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines in Fried Bacon and in the Remaining Oil after Pan-Frying in Five Different Vegetable Oils. Foods, 11, 3491. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11213491.
117. Wang, H., Liu, J. M., Fan, X., Ren, J., Liu, Q., Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Fabrication, characterisation, and application of green crosslinked sodium alginate hydrogel films by natural crab-shell powders to achieve drug sustained release. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 171, 114147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2022.114147  
118. Wang, H. P., Zhang, H. W., Liu, S. T., Qin, L. G., Chen, Q.*, Kong, B. H.*. (2022). Analysis of biogenic amine in dry sausages collected from northeast China: From the perspective of free amino acid profile and bacterial community composition. Food Research International, 162, 112084. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2022.112084  
119. Feng, J., Kong, B. H., Sun, F. D. and Xia, X. F.*. (2022). Effect of Potato Dietary Fiber on the Quality, Microstructure, and Thermal Stability of Chicken Patty, Foods, 11, 3978. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/foods11243978.
120. Zhang, C., Li, Y. X., Xia, X. F., Sun, Q. X., Sun, F. D., Kong, B. H.*. (2023). Changes in protein oxidation, structure, and thermal stability of chicken breast subjected to ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing during frozen storage. Food Chemistry, 398, 133874. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133874
121. Sun, F. D., Wang, H., Liu, Q., Xia, X. F., Chen, Q., Kong, B. H.*. (2023). Proteolysis and quality characteristics of Harbin dry sausages caused by the addition of Staphylococcus xylosus protease. Food Chemistry, 404, 134692.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.134692
122. Xu, J. H., Fan, Y. H., Chen, Q., Sun, F. D., Li, M., Kong, B. H.*, Xia, X. F.*. (2023). Effects of κ-carrageenan gum on 3D printability and rheological properties of pork pastes, Meat Science,197, 109078. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2022.109078
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1.孔保华,赵钜阳,刘骞,耿蕊,夏秀芳. 可微波方便京酱肉丝的生产方法. 专利申请号受理日2014.02.25 专利号ZL 201410064483.1, 授权日2015.9.2
2.孔保华,李沛军,罗慧婷,刘骞. 木糖葡萄球菌A2可转化高铁肌红蛋白生成亚硝基肌红蛋白的新用途. 专利号ZL201310282139.5受理日2013.07.05,公开号 CN103436576A,公开日2013.12.11,授权日2015.9.9  
3. 孔保华,赵钜阳,张宏伟,卢岩,韩建春,刘骞. 可微波方便葱烧木耳炒肉的生产方法. 专利号ZL201410064603.8受理日2014.02.25, 授权日2015.11.25  
4. 孔保华,李沛军,陈倩,夏秀芳. 可转化高铁肌红蛋白生成氧合肌红蛋白的弯曲乳杆菌R5及其新用途。专利申请号201310282268.4 受理日2013.07.05,公开日2014.02.05,授权日2015.12.23  
5. 孔保华,张宏伟, 李木子,牛海力,夏秀芳. 弯曲乳杆菌2及其在风干肠中降低亚硝胺含量的应用. 专利申请号201410283158.4受理日2014.06.23,授权日2016.9.28  
6. 孔保华,陈倩,李木子,孙钦秀,刘骞. 一株具有体外抗氧化活性的戊糖片球菌R1及其在发酵肉制品中作为抗氧化剂的应用. 专利 ZL 2014201410273218.4受理日2014.06.18,授权日 2017.5.10


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